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Pandagric Novum Farms

Project status: Ongoing progress
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Project Details

Commencement Date
Completion Date
UFF/Old Mutual

The Pandagric project, being developed under the UFF-NAIC Agriculture Investment Fund (the “Fund”), is the two-phase development of an animal feed processing business, with backward integration through the farming of maize and soybeans on circa 3,300 hectares (“ha”) of land, with plans to expand to 5,000ha (the “Project”).

The development of the Project entails the acquisition and installation of various fixed assets including a poultry feed mill, maize and oil mills, storage infrastructure, as well as water management infrastructure.

To date, the project has achieved several critical milestones including the:

  • commissioning of a new 147,000 metric tons capacity feed mill;
  • installation of approximately 100% of the targeted 750ha of center pivot irrigation coverage;
  • commissioning of two silos and six bunkers, with 5,000 tons capacity each, as well as 35,000 tons of raw material and finished goods storage, bringing storage infrastructure capacity to 75,000 tons;
  • leasing and development of circa 3,500ha of land;
  • commissioning of a 1.4mn m3 reservoir;
  • commissioning of other ancillary structures including a mill building, water treatment systems, fire water pipes, fuel depot, and services plant rooms, etc; and
  • successful planting of 856ha of maize in the 2021 wet farming season and 1200ha in the 2022 wet farming season. 

Projected return of ~12%

Creation of jobs (500 directly and over 2,000 indirectly)

Infrastructure development

Supply of high-quality animal feed

Community development through the project’s out-grower schemes and other ESG efforts


How the fund is invested

US$31.5 million

Project Cost / Size:


NSIA’s interest:

US$25 million

Funding structure


Investment areas

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