NSIA Kano Diagnostic Centre (NKDC)
Project status: Ongoing progress

- NSIA Kano Diagnostic Centre (NKDC)

- NSIA Kano Diagnostic Centre (NKDC)

- NSIA Kano Diagnostic Centre (NKDC)

- NSIA Kano Diagnostic Centre (NKDC)

- NSIA Kano Diagnostic Centre (NKDC)

- NSIA Kano Diagnostic Centre (NKDC)

- Ongoing progress
- NSIA Kano Diagnostic Centre (NKDC)
NKDC is a modern medical diagnostic center, established through a joint venture between NHDIC and AKTH that provides both basic and advanced radiology and laboratory tests.
The equipment mix at NKDC includes:
- 1 1.5T Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine;
- 2 Digital Xrays;
- 2 3D/4D Ultrasound scan machine;
- 6-channel ECG Machine;
- Immunoassay Machine;
- Chemistry Analyser;
- Automated Semen Analyser;
- Haematology Analyser; and
- Coagulation Autoanalyzer
Contribution to improved availability of screening and diagnostic services in Northern Nigeria.
Provision of diagnostic services to 134,193 patients as of February 2024.
Contribution to employment through the direct employment of 65 persons.

How the fund is invested
Project Cost / Size:
90% owned by NHDIC
NSIA’s interest:
100% equity
Funding structure
Investment areas
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